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Ensure A Quality Management System is working for your company and no viceversa. Integrating all department formats, records, analysis, reports and metric charts in one single place to easilly take desitions based on evidence, not gosips nor personal opinioins
Asure every department and process is connected, documented and results are available for those within your organization. Ensure the records are fidedign available replicable and usable
Make your leadership layer work as a real strategic board while supervising effectivelly from everywhere
As application engineering we design and develop interactive interfaces between processes and users to improve the usability of records captured, analyzed and required as input or output of pieces of information by other processes, both IT and productive and/or administrative.
Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes
data adquisition devices and sensors are used to ensure data integrity to be analized along interpreted
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